Yeah, the dev team knows these are wanted, but I am not sure where they have it planned to make those two fields fully functional. Were the contents of the fields functional, I'm sure they could be integrated with the custom shuffle modes to provide an "autoskip (or at least lower the probability of playing) frequently skipped tracks" shuffle mode. Based on what I've read, and the other commitments of the dev team to other products, I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for it in 2.0 final, might be a 2.X thing for the future. Maybe Tony Fabris can tell us if there's been any modification to plays/skipped in the most recent 2.0 alphas.
There have also been a lot of other suggestions around these fields, such as when the "plays" and "skipped" counters should be incremented. Right now "plays" goes up at the 5 second mark, and "skipped" is dormant. The best suggestion I heard was to increment "plays" after 2/3 of the song is played, and increment "skipped" if the song is skipped before 1/3 of the song is played. 5 seconds sometimes isn't enough time to figure out if you want to hear the rest, and I liked the idea of the decision being made at a time relative to the length of the song, rather than some arbitrary fixed time within the song.
We can talk about this stuff all we want, though, it's up to the fellas to make it happen.